Since it will only be available for one day at that low price, make sure you get over to Teefury.com on January 1.
Joannie's 2012 valentine. She wanted Tomer Hanuka's Valentine's Day print, but he was all sold out. She asked me to redraw it, and I said, "No way! but I will do something similar." The final will be an 18” x 24” color, archival giclee print that will hang in our kitchen. Apologies to fellow Meathauser Tomer for biting the concept. To see Tomer's prints (including the one I ripped off), please CLICK HERE.
My Doctor-inspired t-shirt will be up for sale on Teefury.com from midnight to midnight on Wednesday, February 15, 2012. This shirt pits two of the Who-niverse’s favorite metal heavies against each other in a design reminiscent of every boy’s favorite “let’s beat the crap out of each other” childhood game.
The shirt only costs $10 bucks, and will only be on sale for 24 hours. If you’d like more information or would like to purchase the shirt, CLICK HERE to go to Teefury.com.John Bosak had character and a great sense of humor. He was unique. Drawing John’s portrait reminded me of why I started this project eight years ago - because Fishtown, with all of its unique facets, history, and people, is a place worth remembering. It’s a place worth celebrating. If you have a memory, an event, or a person worth remembering and celebrating, please share your words and photos: sketchesoffishtown@gmail.com.