Meathaus, a force of collective comics and cartoon energy (a group of which I am proud to call myself a member) is releasing it’s fourth “GO FOR THE GOLD!” book. GFTG is an anthology of sketchbook work from the groundbreaking independent and ever-expanding Meathaus Comics Collective.
You can pre-order the book now from the Haus. I believe it ships in about two weeks. To see a video with samples of the interior, CLICK HERE to head on over to the Meathaus site. Chris McDonnell edited the book and also did the awesome cover.

This is an amazing opportunity to pull back the curtain and see what raw thought and work goes on behind the scenes with amazing comics artists and cartoonists such as Dash Shaw, Jesse Moynihan, Thomas Herpich, Tomer Hanuka, Brandon Graham, Mu Pan, Jim Rugg, Chris McDonnell, Farel Dalrymple, and Jason Sacher. Here are samples to two of my pages, culled from old sketchbook work and mashed into pages for GFTG! 4: